Tuesday, February 18, 2014


This week, unfortunately, has to be incredibly short, because I have absolutely no more time left.....

You see, in Paraguay, we have to use businesses that have computers in order to use a computer, and, well, we tried three different ones all of which were closed, and then found two open, but had people using all the computers. We didn't get into one until just now, so I'm writing now to all of you a very short email of this week.

This week was incredibly difficult. I had to say goodbye to Elder Brown, from whom I learned so much and with whom I developed an awesome friendship. He was a great missionary and will be sorely missed in Paraguay.

Furthermore, I am now the senior companion in the area, and I am District Leader, two things I have neither done. Being senior comp right now means I have to decide what to teach, when to teach, where, and what to do when plans fall through. With all the pressure.... I didn't do quite so well this week.

However, something that really helped me was reading about David's story when he conquered Goliath, in Samuel 17. David was a mere shepherd boy, and despised for his inexperience, but nevertheless, the last thing he said to Goliath as the giant spat in the face of the faithful youth's defiance is "de Jehová es la batalla." The battled is the Lord's. So it is with myself, and I know that if I am firm, I can overcome the many faced Goliath who is currently staring me down. I have a lot of worries, but slowly, I'm becoming less worried about them. I'm growing to realize that patience and patient love works better and brings more growth than constant worry and frustration at mistakes (even when we're making LOTS of mistakes). 

Well, I have some pictures of my new companion: Elder Merrell.

As well as our Buddhist Temple Trip: :)


That's this week! I hope you've all been well! I love you all!

Elder Harris


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