This one's bright and early, so I hope that you're all having wonderful mornings wherever you may be!
This week has been pretty exciting. I think that there are two things that stood out more than anything. The first was that I got out to go proselyting more this week than in the entire last change!!!! It was so great! I got to feel the beautiful worry and striving of serving with everything. Dedicating all thoughts, words, desires, all of my heart, every last piece of it, and putting it right where God wants me to: in the work. This week I got another taste of that, and it's just how I want every moment of my mission to go for the rest of it. I like getting absorbed in the work.
But! The office is always there to demand maximum efforts as well, and so I did have to stay super late all night yesterday to edit some documents, so it's a small bump in the road. But, I've learned that life is so full of the little weekly challenges that it's really a waste of time worrying so much about them. You just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep up right where you left off.
We had a cool lesson with one less-active member named Victor Galeano who hadn't been to church in many years, and he's a young guy, 20 years old. He's really got strong desires to return to the faith, though he has a lot of desire to understand and has really good doubts that show that he's thinking about what we teach him. It's interesting how when someone can write down a doubt for us to help them answer and overcome, my first thought isn't to panic or tell them that it's bad to doubt or that something not make sense with their current understanding, because it's really a sign of desire for growth and real desire to know if something be right or not. So, we're really happy about these questions, and I'm really looking forward to helping him find his own answers with God. To quote Elder Andersen "Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God."
We also visited Familia Galeano, the father of which was stake president of this stake many years ago. They're also Uruguayos and gave us some delicious raviolis. :)
But they are a wonderful family that has a long and firm testimony of the Gospel. We shared with them about the joy of the Gospel and invited them to pray every single day in the week about whom they might invite to hear us, and to partake in that same joy, and they received the commitment very, very well, and I look forward to seeing them find a friend, or better yet, a family who comes to be baptized here in February.
Also, we had a visit with the Relief Society President, Hermana Margarita Riveros, about the new way of doing missionary work that our wonderfully inspired Area Presidency has issued forth. President McMullin gave us a sheet that he prepared based on his notes of Elder Gonzalez message (which he literally heard 4 times, which, we must note, is the number of times that Joseph received the same message from Moroni so that he'd actually remember and do). So, we went over all of it with her, all of what we were committed to do and all that the Lord through His inspired servants was asking her to do, and it turned out wonderfully. We are really setting things up to work out incredibly well with the Ward, we must simply keep it up to get the wheels really turning.
The other really notable thing was our Zone Conference on Wednesday. The farther we go along, the more I understand really just how to do every aspect of missionary work. At the start of my mission, I was learning about the same things we were taught about in Conferences, how to teach, study, contact, etc. Now, I've spent over a month studying about how to work with members, but I've just felt that there's been a missing key. Last month, President presented it to us, but I, for whatever reason, did not capture it. Now, as he repeated the same counsel a second time (which he is to repeat, supposedly, until we all drop down fainting like Joseph Smith did upon receiving so many visits from Moroni), it really struck me that it is the missing key. I now have the guide on how to work with members here in Paraguay, and this is really just something that the Lord has been setting up a long time running in the Area and with President McMullin. Now we're going to apply it and see the mission explode.
Church attendance, retention percentage, and baptisms. If we strive with all our might, we should see the attendance go from 4,000 last month to 5,100 by next December. Seems like a lot, right? Well, really we were at 4,500 in September, so it's just a matter of going out and rescuing again those who momentarily fell and then finding the increase in finding new investigators or inactive members who need the Gospel.
I love this work! I love ministering to the people using the Book of Mormon, and opening their eyes to see Christ's redeeming love reaching out to them. I love repentance and love seeing good people repent into great sons and daughters of God. I love seeing those surrounded by their sins cry out "Awake my soul!" and rise from languished sorrow into the unadulterated joy of holiness. This is God's work and His kingdom. He has shown it to me so many times and I feel at times like Nephi who wrote that God had heard his prayers by day and granted him great knowledge in visions by night, that his heart pondered continually upon the things of God and upon the scriptures. I have not his faith, and my heart faileth far more often, but I have the slightest taste of what he speaks and it is worth everything one might give to attain. In it is contained the strength to lift up nations and families and I testify that Thomas S. Monson acted as God's chosen Prophet here on the earth when he said: "The greatest force in the world today is the power of God as it works through man."
May we cease to desire to receive the benefits that power and begin to be the men and women through which it works. Let us not merely be doers of the word for our benefit, but rather seek to impart this benefit to all around us, members, nonmembers, active and not, all races, creeds, religions. I know that doing so brings greater joy and peace than anything else we might do.
I love you all,
Elder Harris
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