Saturday, February 7, 2015


Good Afternoon!

This week has been full of a lot of things, with some ups and downs and a lot of in-betweens. On Sunday and on Monday we didn't get out to work at all. Sunday was preparation for Concilio, which always involves a number of activities for me. So I was here making the January success video, preparing reports and getting things ready for the President and the Assistants to inspire the Zone Leaders.

But! After that we were able to get out and do some good proselyting. Yesterday we taught a young 20 year-old who has the goal to come back into activity in the Church this year. The lessons wasn't actually planned, and having that surprise really seemed to have thrown us off, because the lesson just really didn't turn out well. Couldn't find a specific focus or think of a specific commitment invitation that we wanted to extend. So, the lesson was somewhat wasted, but I know that the Lord is merciful and will give us a second chance to help this youth understand the value of keeping the commandments and his own covenants. 

Then we FINALLY had another lesson with Nelson, who was reading, and who kept the commitment that we'd left him with last time!!! We took things really, really simply last time and taught him about prayer, leaving him with the invitation to pray individually each morning and night, which he already does, so we added the daily family prayer. He invited his wife to pray with him every single day, and she did, and really loves it. Our hope is that she can see the changes in him and then take the decision to not hide from us and ignore our invitations to share with us. It wouldn't be the first time that I've seen one such experience on this mission.

This time, we had to read with him in the Book of Mormon, because he doesn't get anything out of it when he reads alone. So, we brought with us two members, one youth and the second counselor in the Elder's Quorum presidency, Brother CaƱiza. Our first time going and doing visits with him, and it was so great! He personally asked for time in the lesson so that he could show Nelson his support and promise that he'll visit him with his wife during the week. It was strengthening and we were also able to gain more trust from the members this time around, which is a good step forward.

Those are the most important proselyting events to happen in this week. We keep looking for people and striving to make the office more efficient. Araceli Alvarenga is STILL on vacation! Actually, all of our Recent Converts over here are either gone on vacation or are inactive and hard to find. It's discouraging, but we will not stop trying to help them keep close to the Lord. The first year is crucial and it's frightening to see how easy it is for people to fall away in that period of time, no matter how young or old they may be, rich or poor. There are always excuses and reasons for people to put daily life above Eternal Life.

I'm learning and growing. This week has been difficult and good, but that's why I think about endurance. You go through a lot of emotions and stages in any endurance activity and there are legs of it that are easier and others that are much harder. We also find high joys, and we find moments that nearly break our will and we almost give up, but as we overcome those moments, they change us, and strengthen us. This week wasn't such an incredible difficulty for me, but I have had to feel that endurance perspective, when you just fight onward, you find that things were never as bad as they seemed.

So! The race goes on! I love this work and have great hope for progress. I know that the Lord blesses us and empowers us as we do His will and fight to retain ourselves clean and pure. I'm so grateful for His hand in my life and I want to remind you all of His divine grace. It is there. I hope that each of us can really take the time to feel it, and to know it, and to know that He does forgive us, and though we are so imperfect here, He blesses us with strength just for our striving.

I hope that everyone can take the time to find His peace this week. I'm always on this end praying for you.

With Love,

Elder Harris

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