Good Afternoon Everyone!
Che Avy'a!
Means I'm happy.
This week was what might very well be the single greatest week in my entire mission. There have been so many incredible blessings that have occurred in this week that I cannot contain my joy when I think about it. I think I'll go in order of greatest in joy and incredibility.
Temple trip.
With Sofía Ortiz.
To Receive her endowments.
And Elder Brown and his entire family were there!
I couldn't believe that it actually happened! This internet shop here is being weird and not letting me send pictures wel, but I have a wonderful picture. Elder Brown has been off of his mission a whole year now, so I guess at some point I'll have to start referring to him as Caiden, but we'll see about that...... In any case, it was the most spiritual experience I have ever had. The happiest I've ever felt in one single moment up until now in my life. Being with Sofía in the Celestial Room of the temple was so amazing. And then being there with her and with Elder Brown.... It kind of just felt like being in Heaven and bumping into all of these amazing people who've changed my life and whom I've been able to help. I loved that moment.
I have a new companion! I'm still here in Del Maestro A, but now my companion is Elder Requelme, from Cajamarca, Perú! That's way up in the mountains. I'm really grateful for the opportunity to serve with him, because he's really excited to get out and work and wants to learn so many things. So, we're working hard and trying to do what's right out here in the Ward.
We have had some small Retention success with one family: The Familia Cantero. They are solid in the Church, but the mom of the family was going through some difficulties with her testimony. She hadn't read in The Book of Mormon since her baptism about seven months ago, and so she was starting to fall away into not really believing in the Book at all. So, we invited her to start reading again and to really seek revelation in General Conference, and she's now halfway through Second Nephi. She just sought out the time to read when there's peace and quiet in the house, and when she reads like that and really understands what she's reading, it fills her with the Spirit and enlightens her mind. She knows the doctrine so much better and feels invigorated with the Gospel every day that she gets a solid chunk of time to read. I loved hearing that so much and I testify to everyone out there, be they missionary or parent or teacher in the Gospel, that the invitations that you extend to help people repent and be firmer in the Gospel are valuable and do a lot to bless the lives of those you teach. It was a beatiful blessing.
Other than that, we're looking for people to teach and trying to do things well. We have a lot of faith and a lot of prayers, and so I know that the Lord will guide us to those people who will be ready to receive this Gospel and come unto the waters of Baptism or the light of activity.
I love this work and testify of its fruits. There is no greater joy than in this Gospel, and that joy is manifest when our love for another helps them come closer to God by making covenants. That is why missionary work is so special and so unique. It is all our work.
I love you all, and wish you a great week also!
Elder Harris
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