This week has been really interesting, and it's had some great blessings. I would like to thank, first of all, my District Leader, Elder Nyberg, who has lent us his copy of the movie "Meet the Mormons" to use as widely as we can throughout the week this week. We have definitely put it to work!
We found a family of four (Momma bear and three teenage children) on Tuesday and had an odd lesson with them, and then on Friday we taught them about the Book of Mormon and they started to pick up some interest, and then on Saturday, we watched the movie with them and that's where they took on strong potential. So, we asked them if we could swing by Sunday morning to take them to Church, and they accepted. What's more, they came! I'm not sure how they received the meetings, it seemed to overwhelm them a little bit, but it was still awesome that they came!
We watched the movie at a family movie night on Friday with Ismael and a few members. His remarks afterwards were "Can I just get out on a mission already?" :)
This guy makes my heart happy.
We also used it in the baptism on Saturday night, just showing the story of the Fighter while people changed clothes (the other missionaries had a baptism).
Finally, we used it again last night at Ismael's house with one of his aunts, who was before unwilling to set a date to share with us during the weekdays, but who has now set an appointment with us for Thursday. I have a lot of faith in her as an investigator.
That was our use of the video this week! It's been really cool and really inspiring to see it so many times. It always brings into mind a call to be just what we really are: Mormons. People who know Jesus Christ for who He really is and have allowed that knowledge to influence in their whole lives. I hope that we can all live worthily to "be an example of the believers." Those people whom we saw weren't all that extraordinary, but by ever pushing forward to have the Spirit, follow His impressions, and live the Gospel, many of them are making extraordinary things happen.
We also had a really good Zone Training Meeting on Wednesday. We got to minister some more with the Book of Mormon, which, no matter how many times we practice it, still teaches me more. Also, President McMullin's son, Preston McMullin, who had finished his mission three days prior to the meeting, was present and was the investigator whom we taught in the practices (he alongside his little sister, Erin McMullin). It was super cool to meet him, after serving in the office and seeing so many pictures of him and reading his stories. I've officially met the entire familia McMullin!
Elder DuFort received his birthday package on Wednesday, because on Friday he turned the big 19 years old! I was still at the university when I was his age........ It makes me feel old. He makes me feel old in general. But it's definitely fun to chow through his candy. ;)
I'm surprised at how fast the time is flying by. A lot of my mission has seemed really long, and not in a bad way, but this week feels like a blink of an eye.
But, everyone, I love being a missionary. I love preaching the Gospel and doing contacts. I love being in stressful lessons and relying on God to show me what to say and do. I enjoy praying fervently for those with whom we work, worrying about the Ward and the strength of the members, and fighting this war on the frontlines. I love seeing all the little miracles that shows that God is behind this work and He's doing something bigger than what we will ever realize. I love having the surety that very small, very simple acts and little details bring about miraculous things.
I gave a talk on Sunday about why we share the Gospel, and how understanding the "why" changes how we share it. I invite everyone to pray sincerely about why they should share the Gospel, about what they can do to invite all to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel through faith, repentance, baptism, the reception of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. That is your purpose as much as it is mine.
Elder Harris
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