Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Birthtism the Sequel!‏

Hello Family!

So! I think I ought to let you all know that the baptism happened last week! And it also fell on the birthday of he who performed the baptism! That's two of the three baptisms of my mission where there is an important coinciding birthday. I think that's how we'll start inviting people to be baptized on certain dates, where there's a birthday coming up.

The baptism went very well, and though it started late, two youth were baptized. I felt the Spirit testifying of the truthfulness of this work. We take people, even people who are content and satisfied, people who have their own religions and find strength and fortitude in God, and we show these people that there is even more than what they have known. It is beautiful and so real.

But yes! Diana Rodriguez was baptized by Ronald Rolòn and it went very smoothly. There were lots of rambunctious youth and after the baptism (and after the refreshments were done being eaten) what do they decide is the best thing to do? Why, obviously it's to mix raw ingredients (molasses, hot sauce, 100% cocoa powder, etc.) in a cup and start forcing people to drink it. I'm somehow reminded of several incidents that involved a certain older sisterof mine.......

That turned out to be kind of a bad idea, as I had been eating a lot of my own cookie dough that day, cookie dough which contained sour milk as an ingredient..... I feel better now, but I'll certainly never feel the same way about fried banana strips and Honduran stew (one of the Hermanas is from Honduras and made some food for the baptism)....

Actually, the food was delicious.

On the way down.

Never eat anything with small chunks of potatoes directly after anything that might potentially make you ill.

In other news!

I forgot my camera cord, so no pictures today.

This week held lots of good things. On Wednesday, there was a Fireside with an Area Seventy from down here. He asked that we bring all less active members and investigators possible, and our ward came out in force! It was awesome! We had Diana, and like 5 youth from the Asentamiento (poor part of town) there and it was a great experience. The following day, that same Seventy and his wife gave us a long Zone Training Meeting. He dropped cain on some of our habits and urged us to use the wonderful tools we have as missionaries. I really took what he said to heart. 

His wife really worked with us on how to pray. I realized the power and tool that is prayer and I absolutely love her suggestions. Good prayers have a unique quality of changing us, and our communication with God should be important to us. I've started to think about what I want to say and how I want to say it. I've started to pray harder and work more to acheive those prayers. God is faithful, and I know it.

Also, this Seventy is none other than Elder Wilhelm, whom I met back home because they are close friends of grandma and grandpa Harris! It's a very small world! I was really happy to meet them again.

That's all for this week! I love you all and wish you well! Know that you are in my prayers!

Elder Harris

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