That's right, we have big news being dropped! Actually, I've known it for a long time, and some of you had the opportunity to be informed of this event for a while. Are you all ready? We'll find out.
Christmas is coming.
Yes, it is. In fact, it's only a month and some more away, which means, primarily, that the land here will turn to riot as the summer begins (fireworks, late nights, alcohol, I'm excited), but more importantly, we are being asked to help the Branch in any way that we can to organize giant, "To The Rescue," activities (the rescue, of course, being reactivation efforts of less active and inactive members). We have high hopes and great expectations for what's coming up. I'm really excited, but it also means that we're probably going to have a lot of work to do, because no one here has any theater, choir, or really any kind of artistic/performance experience, which means that if they decide anything that should have an element of that in it, we are going to be relied on heavily. I consider that a blessing, but that's just me.
Oh yeah, the mission is getting a picture of all missionaries in it in front of the temple tomorrow. We all have to get there before 12:45 and go into a chapel and sit down. We'll be in the chapel for a few hours (I can't remember why), but then we'll be coming out at like 3:30 to get a giant picture right in front of the temple. Oh yeah, I remembered why we're going to have to sit in the chapel for a few hours. Elder D. Todd Christofferson is coming to talk to us.
So, that's what we have to look forward to this week. Hopefully, some of you guys were thrown off by the roundabout way of saying that. ;)
This last week was a lot of not working.... For various reasons. On Friday, we had Zone Training, after which Elder Yauney and I had the final interviews with President McMullin (our interviews ended up happening at like 8:15). We were in the office from 11:00 to 8:00 at night. No work, other than some random contacting that morning, was done. There were some other things that got in the way of work too, but it means this week I'm kind of restless to get into it. Zone Training was really good though! We talked a lot about how to improve our teaching of dispensations when we teach The Restoration. Do you guys realize how logical the Restoration is? You just look at the cycle! God's church has always had a prophet at the head, until eveyone rejects God's prophet, and church, at which time the prophets, and power of God, are taken from the earth. They are later restored when the people are ready again to receieve it. If we can teach this format really well, then we'll be able to teach The Great Apostasy, and ask the investigator, "What will God do to take the world out of the Apostasy?" And, if you've taught well, then they'll get it. Hard in practice, but it's exciting.
So, thank you all for all of your love and support! Keep writing! I love you all!
Elder Harris
I think it's really obvious these posts are very behind....... ~Taylor
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