Sunday, December 29, 2013

You Win Some, You Win Some More‏

(From December 9th)

Hello Family!

I have pictures! So, lets get to business on those first and we'll guide this email by that, shall we?

Exhibit A: 

Chocolate covered popcorn. This is winning. I like to call it "refusing to believe that there are snack food combinations that you can't do in third world countries."
Exhibit B:

Tempura! It's actually Korean and called Ottogi, but we just called it tempura and it was good. We just found a random bag of ottogi mix in the supermarket, which was written entirely in Korean, and we had no idea what the instructions said other than 500 grams and 800 milliliters, with which we made ottogi!!!! Yes. We are that cool. We won that one.

Concerning more important things, I received just WAY TOO MANY CHRISTMAS PACKAGES. I'm incredibly grateful, rest assured, but I picked them all up during a conference, so there were lots of other missionaries, and when you're walking out of the office dwarfed by six packages when most other missionaries feel super lucky to get one small one..... You tend to get a false sense of pride that causes you to eat way too much candy in the subsequent days. Also, have you guys ever ridden to different buses back home while carrying several kilo boxes of things? People look at you funny. I must say though, it's kind of hard to notice the wariness of others when you're so overwhelmed with gratitude at the love of family. Thank you all so much! I'm throwing in some pics for everyone to prove that the packages were epically giant.

All gift packages and non-food items will be opened up on christmas day, unless you guys tell me otherwise.

Another Christmas note: I'm going to be able to make two 20 minute skype calls back home. We think we'll do it on Christmas Day (Dec. 25) at 4:00 our time (12:00 in Utah). How do we all feel about that? All in favor, email aye when convenient.
As far as the work goes,

Dec. 8 was the day of the Virgin of Caacupe (Cah-ah-coo-PAY), and that meant bad business for us. Our one progressing investigator didn't go to church and her extreme Catholicism is coming out in greater force. She keeps emphasizing the virgin in her Book of Mormon readings! It's crazy! Interestingly enough though, the thing that ended up being the strangest to me was when she compared Mary, her example and model of goodness, with Eve, who to her was weak and guided easily to evil. It really ate at me that so many people accross the world have that perception, but I am comforted always by the restored light of the gospel. In the Bible Dictionary under Eve, it specifically refers to her nobleness in partaking of the fruit being stated in Moses 5:11, and I can't deny the plan of God, its greatness and contrasting that with the misperceptions of it just really fortified my testimony this week. 

We're struggling to find people or help them progress, but we fight on! I hope all is well at home. Feel free to ask anything about Paraguay, language, gospel, me, or anything.

I love all of you! 

Have a wonderful day.

Elder Harris

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