Lots happened this week! Not a whole bunch of super productive stuff, but it wasn't a bad week, that's for sure. We got some things done.
The two pictures here are from service project Wednesday! Yay! I decided to put on my companion's hat and be a thug like him for a second. Pardon the weird angle. The second picture features Elder Orrego, a Colombian whom I am slowly persuading to come to Utah after the mission. He's super awesome and a good friend here in the mission. He's actually training an Elder who was Elder Panaifo's childhood friend (his name is Elder Macahauchi). We just went and cleaned up a building to be able to paint it. However, we had too many people and I did nothing more than sweep away spider webs because I'm giant and have the slightest hope that one day one of these ENORMOUS Paraguayan spiders will magically change my genetic code and I'll become something of a Spider-man missionary style.

I also raked up leaves.
And carried Elder Orrego around on my shoulders.
Other than that, we also did a super awesome division with Elder Laura! He came here to my area and we just tore it up! He's Bolivian and in spite of being shorter than me, walks like an all terrain army tank. It was awesome.
And then Stake Conference was this week! Saturday night was the local session when Stake Leaders spoke to us and we have some really awesome leaders in this stake. That session was great, and even though we were in our suits, I saw that it was 8:30 when we left and knew we had to keep up the missionary work until nine, so we went out and just started to talk to everyone, and just then there were two youths resting outside their house, and we asked them if we could share and they were really open to receive us. The short, fifteen minute lessons really stress me out because there are a million things to do and juggle around and I always have the pressing thought on my mind that we need to be able to reach the end of the lesson and be able to ask the people "Will you follow the example of Christ by being baptized by someone who has God's authority?" Tough situation, but that night, the Spirit was with us and we had a fluid lesson that just worked out well, and they responded yes. It was super great and made me happy.
Then, yesterday was the general session, and it was presided by none other than Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve! It was a broadcast for all of Paraguay and Uruguay from Salt Lake City and it was awesome. Especially because before the meeting, we went to pick up a less-active member we found just this week and it was an excellent opportunity for them to feel the Spirit and come back to activity.
All in all, it was a good week and I was happy. The work moves forward and I hope I'll be able to tell you all some great things about people getting baptized or reactivating next week. :)
Elder Harris
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