Thursday, August 21, 2014

Stepping Forward‏

Hello All!

So, last week was a little bit of a downer, whereas this week wasn't a sprint in the other direction, but we did get an about face and poise ourselves to take that first step in the better path. The big difference? We had interviews with the mission president. I was just really refreshed after having been able to talk with him and remember why I am here in the mission field. And so I felt strengthened.

The next day, I studied about Enduring to The End, which was just what I needed because, well, the year mark is ten days away and that means that I almost certainly have less than a year to be a missionary and do this work. I realized that in the scriptures, it talks about enduring to the end less as a way of maintaining what we've got or standing firm in the same place and more of pushing forward firmly in the right path. It's not a fight to maintain, it's a fight to be better. The enduring part connotes consistency and permanence rather than being stationary. And so here I am in the mission! Pressing forward, as Nephi wrote, and continuing to grow and improve as if there were no end. Fighting onward and upward and trying to keep constant in all that I learn.

Cool things that happened this week:

Along with interviews, we had Zone Training, and the President's been making a push about improving our teaching skills, so we just had a ton of practices about how to teach well, and it was awesome! I love teaching! It's probably my favorite part of missionary work and the thing that I personally consider one of my strong points, and so I was super happy to be able to practice it a whole bunch and take away a number of things we can do to improve as teachers. It was fun.

Familia Ughelli-Ayala did very well this week. We visited them a whole bunch actually, and I was worried that they'd be annoyed with us or something, but no they acually love us and I'm pretty sure would like to adopt us at some point. Furthermore, we were able to teach their two sons: Diego(17) and Alan(16), and they were interested as well. So it looks like the whole family will be getting baptized! Yay!!!! Furthermore, our lesson with those sons was just before lunch and ran until 12:30, and so we were leaving when they asked "Could you guys stay for lunch too?" 

That's one of those missionary moments when you just make a brash decision without consulting your planner first. They straight up gave us steaks. I'd call it asado, but it was NOT what asado usually is. It was half of a T-bone steak. And for this reason, we have adopted this as our family in Paraguay. So, parents and siblings, do not worry, for all of your responsibilities are being handled by the familia Ughelli-Ayala. ;)

The only thing is that their youngest was sick and instead of accompanying them to church, the member we sent them accompanied them to the hospital :(

So, they won't be baptized in this change and it's very likely that I'll leave before seeing them baptized, because I think I'm going next change, but I'm still happy to be working with them and helping them grow.

We had a big church attendance, but none of our people came with the exception of one less-active member. One less-active whom we helped reactivate got the priesthood yesterday! Brilliant!

So, not a lot of success this week, but this next one will yield gigantic fruits, and of that I am certain. I know that this is the Lord's work and that if I am humble and submit to His will, He will make great things come of it. I love Him and love performing His labor. I have so much more to write you all but no more time, and so I bid you all farewell!

Elder Harris


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